Menopause & me - Thursdays at St Pauls Centre

BOOKING STARTS from 11th May - 25th May 2023
1pm – 1.45pm
St Pauls Centre Main Hall, 102A Church St, Enfield EN2 6AR

We don't have to go through menopause alone. This class is an enjoyable way to share our menopause experiences as we laugh, listen and learn. The classes will help you to rest and restore, To release tension and rage, To reenergise and To increase strength and bone density with slow gentle stretching.

These classes aim to help boost your physical, mental and heart health. They will help to keep you flexible, supple and mobile But most of all these classes aim to help you feel good about yourself. Whether you are peri, post or smack bang in the middle of your menopause experience come along to empower yourself.

Please bring along a yoga mat, socks, water and a suggly blanket

Please ensure you fill in the additional information for all participants attending before checkout

Course Fee £18

Dates and times

This event finished on 11 May 2023.

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